Page 71 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年11期
P. 71
新技术与新产品 陈俊鸿·十一层共挤下吹水冷高阻隔膜机组关键技术
存两大部分,工艺数据记录保持于本地服务器,方便 成品率高、配方适应性广、配方成本低、阻隔层厚度
工艺人员对工艺条件改善及成品质量进行分析,成品 更均匀、薄膜纵横向物理性能一致、筒膜制袋后极低
数据记录既可保存于本地服务器,亦可上传至上位数 可提取物、低颗粒物等优势,且智能化、自动化程度高,
据中心,整个设备网络设置了数据接入口,可接收细 该机组工艺配方自适应、故障诊断工艺控制等功能操
化上位数据中心发送的订单信息,通过网络化、在线 作容易,性能先进,明显降低工人的劳动强度和操作
协同升速提产控制、数据化,使整个生产过程实现闭 难度,产品使用和维护更符合薄膜行业未来的发展。
资源利用效率,实现高效率、成本低、快速响应、个 参考文献 :
[1] 李浩 . 递进式真空定径冷却装置在三泡法吹塑工艺中的创新应
用[J]. 橡塑技术与装备,2021,47(10):32-42.
[2] 关文强 . 三层共挤自黏保护膜机组的关键技术 [J]. 橡塑技术
5 结语 与装备,2020,46(14):26-29.
Key technology of eleven layer coextrusion bottom blown water-cooled
high resistance diaphragm unit
Chen Junhong
(Guangdong Jinming Precision Machinery Co. LTD., Shantou 515098, Guangdong, China)
Abstract: This article introduces the process characteristics and product applications of the bottom blown
water-cooled blow molding method, analyzes the current situation and problems of the equipment, and
also introduces the process flow and key technologies of the eleven layer coextrusion bottom blown water-
cooled high resistance diaphragm unit. The unit adopts a disc set combination head to ensure high-quality
composite, shorten the material thermal process, and meet the processing requirements of various formulas;
Adopting a wind temperature automatic wind ring and thickness measurement control system to improve the
uniformity of film thickness; Adopting vacuum water ring to meet wide width production and increase output;
Adopting low resistance clamps and low swing rotation traction to improve the quality of the membrane
surface; By adopting intelligent collaborative control technology, precise closed-loop control of the thin film
production process has been achieved.
Key words: downward blowing; multi layer coextrusion; disc set combination machine head; vacuum
water ring; splint board
2024 第 50 卷 ·23·