Page 131 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年11期
P. 131

外文精译                                             章羽·使用 SureMixS6 提高高硅轮胎胎面胶的工艺稳定性

                                                                  硅的分散性,显著减少了滞后现象(图 6)。这些数据
                                                                  证明,SureMixS6 是一种领先的功能性工艺助剂,可
                                                                  暴露在高温下的胶料。除了使用 SureMixS6 来保护胶
                                                                      可 持续 发 展的 优 势 在于 减 少了 混 炼和 加 工橡
                                                                  胶 所需 的能 源, 从而 降 低了 轮胎 制 造商 的 碳足 迹。
                                                                  SureMixS6 的优势远不止轮胎生产,因为与轮胎有关
                                                                  的碳排放约 75% 至 80% 是在车辆运行过程中产生的。
                                                                  过程中的碳足迹。根据 USTMA 的数据,燃料效率提高
                                                                  1%~2%,美国每年的二氧化碳排放量将减少 1 775 万 t。
                 图 6 DMA 在 10 Hz 和 60 ℃下拍摄的所有六种胶料的

                   Improving the process stability of high silicon tire tread rubber with
                                                        SureMix S6

                                                       Zhang Yu, Compiler

                            (National Machinery Information Center of Rubber &Plastics, Beijing 100143, China)
                    Abstract: This article mainly discusses the application of SureMix S6 in improving the stability of high silicon
                tire tread rubber process. This article first reviews the application history of silica in the tire industry and points
                out its key role in improving tire performance. Subsequently, the characteristics of SureMix S6 as a functional
                processing aid and its sustainable advantages in tire production were introduced. Through experimental
                research, it was demonstrated how SureMix S6 improves the processing performance, mechanical properties,
                and hysteresis of rubber materials at different silanization temperatures, thus proving its application value in
                tire production.
                    Key words: SureMix S6; sustainability; processing aids; mechanical performance

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