Page 44 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年10期
P. 44

目 次                    Contents                                〓 2024年第10期 〓

          ■ SPeCiAl AnD COMPrehenSive revieW
          Analysis on the standardized design of Baijiu plastic packaging
          ..................................................................................................................Diao Houchang, Wang Chuanlong, Huang Xi'an (1)
          A Brief Discussion on PDM Planning and Implementation of Guilin Zhonghao
          ..................................................................................................... Huang Guangzhan, Zhang Shidong, Li Siping, Li Jinhua (6)
          ■ TheOrY AnD reSeArCh
          Research progress in tire innovation and application under the background of dual carbon strategy(1)
          ......................................................................................................................................................Tang Fan,Nie Weiyun (12)
          ■ TeChnOlOgY AnD APPliCATiOn OF AuTOMATive PrODuCTS
          Study on the effect of hot air aging on the fatigue of NR for automotive suspension
          ...............................................................................................................................Wang Weijian, Zheng Ting, Li Yongbin (18)
          ■ inTelligenT AnD DigiTAl APPliCATiOnS
          Application of Omron NJ in any expanding corrugated pipe building machine................................................ Xu Zhisheng (23)
          ■ PrOCeSS AnD eQuiPMenTS
          Application of hydraulic pitch adjustment in calender ........................................................................................Li Minghao (28)
          Discussion on the lifting method of BB430 mixer host ..............................................................................Zhong Weixiong (31)
          ■ MATeriAlS AnD APPliCATiOn
          Research on the synergistic flame retardant LDPE cable sheath of calcined kaolin/Sb 2 O 3
          ..........................................................................................................Lin Yulin, Wu Huimin, Li Wei, Hu Jiapeng, Liu Ruilai (37)
          Preparation of antibacterial superabsorbent resin
          ........................ Shi Hongjin, Guan Xianglin, Wang Ronghao, Yu Binqi, Bai Xuyang, Su Zuokui, Liu Qingyou, Ren Haoran (41)
          ■ TeST AnD AnAlYSiS
          Research progress on thermal conductive plastics with electromagnetic shielding effectiveness
          ...................................................................................Xie Zhuoli, Liao Wenquan, Lao Zhichao, Han Shuntao, Ma Xiuqing (46)
          Influence of different external lubricants on the properties of high transparency and hard medical PVC
          materials ...............................................................................Jiang Shuai, Gao Yu, Li Lina, Zhang Xinzhe, Wang Guofeng(51)
          ■ eQuiPMenT MAnAgeMenT AnD MAinTenAnCe
          Safety control measures and ideas for gas steam boilers
          .......................................................................Li Xuezhi, Gou Binxiang, Li Jianqing, Li Chaomin, Song Yuetao, Sun Jinyin(55)
          ■ envPrOTeCTiOn AnD energY SAving AnD SAFeTY
          Design and application of cabinet rooms in rubber factories .........................................................................Zhang Yunling(60)
          ■ inDuSTriAl AuTOMATiOn
          Application of PLC and servo cylinder push rod control in blown film machine
 目 次 文 英  .............................................................................................................................. Lin Jiebo, Sun Jinghuan, Zhuang Zhijia(65)
          ■ PrODuCT AnD DeSign
          Structural design of a new type of separated anti-counterfeiting bottle cap
          .......................................................................................Yang Jihong, Hu Changhong, Ling Shengyu, Zhou Min, Liu Yang(72)
          ■ enTerPriSe MAnAgeMenT
          Risk control management for confined space operations
          ................................................................Li Jianqing, Gou Binxiang, Huang Minmin, Li Chaomin, Jiang Chao, Li Youquan(76)
          ■ TrAnSlATiOn SeleCTeD
          Carbon black specifically designed for tires and rubber goods in the EV market ..................................Zhang Yu, Compiler(82)
          ■ DOMeSTiC AnD inTernATiOnAl TrenDS .................................................................................................(87)
          ■ PATenT AbSTrACTS ...........................................................................................................................................(89)

                                The MAin COnTenTS OF neXT iSSue

          Research on the application of hydrazide based materials in the base rubber of all steel tire tread ..................................................Ruan Jun
          Research progress and application of inorganic filler filled modified polypropylene .............................................................Wang Haoyu, et al
          Analysis of gearbox shaft system and gearbox related core technologies for large double screw extrusion granulation unit .......Bi Chao,et al
          Design and simulation of hydraulic servo system for opening and closing mold of vulcanizing machine ...................................Xu Jinhui, et al
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